Archivarius 3000
5.9 MB

Archivarius 3000

Indexes the emails and documents to allow in-depth scanning
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Awards (14)
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Software Informer Virus Free award
5.9 MB

Archivarius 3000 is a full-featured application to search documents and e-mails on the desktop computer, your local network and removable drives (CD, DVD and others). Documents can be searched by content, the same like with Internet search engines. While searching the program automatically calculating all forms of words, which provide full-text documents search in 18 languages.

The program will extract and save full information about all your documents. Even if a document is not physically accessible, Archivarius 3000 will later be able to find it by content and determine on which disk the required file is located.

Archivarius 3000 has a line of time-savings solutions. The Query Builder allows building a complicated query without any special knowledge. The Search Wizard will help to find documents by size, date and type in just a few steps. The Quick View function speeds up document overview highlighting query words, finding and printing the needed fragment, even if the documents are not physically accessible. The found documents can be also exported to a text file or sent via e-mail.

Archivarius 3000 has instruments for remote access via the Internet. With them a user can search, overview the found fragments and download or send via e-mail the found documents using a regular web browser even out of home or office.

The program supports all popular documents types from MS Office and PDF to TXT. It's possible to search in compressed files (ZIP, ACE, RAR, ARJ and others), in e-mail messages of Outlook, Outlook Express, The Bat, Lotus Notes, and documents embedded in e-mail.


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